Rice University 2024-25 Calendar Week. Part of term courses have different dates. Rice university's academic calendars are approved by the faculty senate. Unless otherwise noted, dates and information apply to both rice undergraduate and graduate students.

Rice University 2024-25 Calendar Week

Last day for instructors to submit final grades to resolve “incomplete” (inc) grades for courses taken in previous term. Unless otherwise noted, dates and information apply to both rice undergraduate and graduate students.

Date/Event For Quadmester Academic Calendar Used By The.

Rice university's academic calendars are approved by the faculty senate.

Course Request Period Begins For Incoming Undergraduate Students:

Orientation week for new students:

Images References :

Last Day For Instructors To Submit Final Grades To Resolve “Incomplete” (Inc) Grades For Courses Taken In Previous Term.

Date/event for quadmester academic calendar used by the.

Final Exams Are Scheduled By.

A fall and spring semester of approximately 16 weeks, including sessions of.